Meet The Team

Douglas James Vail
Executive Director | Filmmaker
Douglas is the third of five boys raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia. A cinephile and comic book collector, Douglas developed an obsession with black and white films and live stage performances before he learned to read. With dreams to work in Hollywood, Douglas drove cross-country after high school to pursue a career in the film industry. Gleaning what he could from movie sets and blessed with the mentoring from award winning faith-based filmmakers Wes & Amanda Lewellyn, Douglas set out to make motion pictures with the specific purpose to glorify God.
Today Douglas is known for directing, shooting, and editing two full-length feature films, one of which will exhibit in theaters March 3, 2022 through Fathom Events. In addition, Douglas has been invited to guest speak at several Christian Media Events and will be teaching a cinematography course at the largest Christian Film Festival in May 2022.

Reed Lackey
Since the age of 3, Reed Lackey has been passionate about storytelling. He would memorize passages from stories he'd heard and recite them for anyone with a willingness to listen. That passion developed further into adulthood where Reed has published work in a variety of mediums including films, comic books, stage plays, commercials, short stories, and web-series episodes. No matter the medium, Reed's primary passion is story, and he seizes every opportunity he can to tell great ones. But for him, all great stories still point to the greatest story: the story of God's love for mankind and His eternal plan to reveal that love and redeem the lost, bring healing to the brokenhearted, and set free the captives. Reed lives in the Los Angeles area with his wife and son, where he always eagerly awaits the next great story to tell.
Shayan Ardalan
Shayan Ardalan has always found joy and purpose in entertaining people. Coming from a heritage of entertainers, his interest in acting began at a young age, where he would put on shows and screen homemade movies for families and friends. Through passion and diligence, his talent and love for the craft has grown over the years into a a full-time profession. Since officially beginning his acting career in 2016, Shayan has enjoyed success after success in the field of entertainment: from multiple films spanning multiple genres winning awards across numerous festivals; to animated series and commercials circulating through conventions and the net. Now, with new and great opportunities opening up for him in international markets, this young and versatile entertainer is excited to take his acting on to the international stage.

Trace Carper
Born in central Pennsylvania to Jacob and Agnes Carper and grew up with one brother and one sister. He graduated from Northern Bedford County HS. Member of the Church of God. Went on to study Elementary Education at Penn State University. While attending college he enlisted in the United States Navy. After his initial release from active duty, he completed his degree with a BS in education. Taught 7th-grade science for 10 years in a suburb of High Point, NC. Following his second recall to active duty, a deployment to Iraq in early 2005, he relocated to Ventura, CA. He successfully ran a small handyman company which served a variety of exciting customers. He was an active member San Buenaventura Mission Church as well as a choir member. Where he met the talented yet timid actor, director, writer, filmographer, and father Douglas James Vail where he inspired his to do great things.